Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Visiting Christian's Orphanage

 Thursday, August 9, 2012

We were thrilled to be able to visit Shenzhen Orphanage and see where Christian spent the first 4+ years of his life and he also went there for Kindergarden.

It was about a  2 hour drive from where we were staying in Guangzhou.  Unfortunately, we have learned that Christian gets car-sick so pretty tricky every time we go out.  Our guide/translator, Kelly, was awesome and suggested some sour dried orange peel for him to suck on and also ginger.  We stocked up on both and it does help at times.

We were so grateful to receive an "Early Years" Life book for Christian!   "Half the Sky" lovingly hand-wrote 150+ pages of details of his life since he was 2 years old, complete with pictures!   It is all in Chinese so not sure what it says yet but hope to find someone who can translate it for us! Christian was so fortunate to benefit from Half the Sky's program.  

Half the Sky, is a non-profit organization who provides loving people to work in orphanages in China.  Here is a recap from the their website:

Before Half the Sky, many children in China who lost their families were fed and sheltered, but not loved. Deprived of loving attention, they could not thrive.

Half the Sky has worked since 1998 to make sure that every child knows her life matters to someone. Step by step, we are helping China to reimagine its approach to child welfare.

We are so indebted to them for this invaluable history and pictures of his early life! :)

Christian with the Shenzhen Orphanage Director, Tong

Christian lived in the orphanage until he was about 5 years old.  There are 4 beds in each room.
There is a very thin mattress on each bed which is coverd with this wood slat-like cover that they sleep on.

Christian learned how to play a beautiful Chinese flute.  We bought one in China in hopes that he can continue.  He also loves art. The picture below is outside his dance class at the orphanage.

Below are 2 of the pictures displayed in the showcase above outside the classroom

Christian is on the RHS in the red and blue sweater

Christian on the LHS in red sweater
We took several gifts for the Orphanage director, foster mom, etc

Bye-bye!  We are leaving Shenzhen orphanage and can't wait to see Christian's foster home!
Stay tuned....

Sunday, August 19, 2012

We Are in the Chinese Newspaper!

We visited Christian's orphanage in Shenzhen and 2 local newspapers were there taking pictures of our visit with the other two families who were also adopting at the same time. 

Thought you would enjoy the article! :)

Here is the link:

Notice Anything Strange About this Picture? :)

Chinese Medical Exam - Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We have several appointments that need to be completed this week to finalize the adoption paperwork with Chinese authorities and US Consulate in order to obtain Christian's visa to leave China, his Chinese passport and final adoption documents that need to be submitted to the US on arrival home.  Today we had Christian's Chinese Medical Exam.

Doing a puzzle with Zane and his mom, Jackie, as we wait to be called in....

Christian is a very ticklish boy! :)

TB test

"Gotcha Day" Monday, August 6, 2012

On arrival to meet Christian.....

A little teary eyed anticipating "the moment"...   I was handing out kleenex to  other moms! :)
P.S. Shekina thought this was funny! :)

We are thrilled to introduce you to Christian Joshua Yeo!  We are excited to share our joy and God’s leading  to our precious son and fun brother for Shekina!

Introducing..... (drum roll please.....)....Christian Joshua Yeo!!

After much prayer and anticipation, we finally met Christian yesterday afternoon.  He is a fun loving, active, curious, little mischievous :) and polite little boy.  As you see in the pictures, we gave him his new “Monkey in a House” and he seemed thrilled with it! :)  He loved throwing him and holding "Monkey" upside down by the tail! :)

Hmm..."What's inside?"

Here comes...the feet! :)

Pulling hard.....
Ta da!!!  Introducing..... "Monkey!" :)

Priceless expression! :)

It took him a while to feel comfortable to go the bathroom, but when he finally went – we realized he must have been like camel! :)  He drinks LOTS of water (yeah)! :)  Need I say more? :)

Understandably, it took him some time to get to sleep in a new environment but when he did settle down, he slept straight through the night and was the last one to wake up this  morning! :)  

Shekina is having lots of fun with him and neat to see her leadership skills emerge and she helps and teaches him! :)

Checking out height...seems older sister (by literally 10 days)  makes a difference! :)
Che-Che (pronounced "chay-chay") is "older sister" in Chinese.
Che-Che is helping Christian with his tie! :)

He is learning our names  (mommy, daddy and “Kina”) and we have him repeating various English words to begin the association process.   I started drawing the ABC’s today and singing the alphabet song and was shocked to learn he knew part of the song!  A few minutes later, he showed me his picture and he had written “ABCDEF”! :)  AWESOME!! :)

Back at the hotel playing "Rock, Paper, Scissors "- no language barriers here! :)

There are 2 other families who met their children yesterday as well.  When the guide asked them their favorite foods,  one nine-year old girl said “lollipops and jello".  Christian’s response was “vegetables, fish and noodles”!  That’s our boy!!! :)

We were out again today doing more paperwork and interviews with the Chinese Consulate.  Tomorrow AM, Christian has is medical and TB shot; in the afternoon we start the paperwork for his Chinese passport.

 The Yeo family has offically gone from a trio to a quartet! :)

Thank you all for your prayers, love and care through our journey.  We are soo grateful! :) 

Love and hugs,
Denny, Shirley, Shekina and Christian                  

Monday, August 13, 2012

Arrival in Guangzhou – Sunday, August 5, 2012

We arrived in Guangzhou Sunday afternoon, and checked in to the hotel.  Our guide met us and told us that the other families that had been here for a week were ready for American food after a week of Chinese food.  They had decided to go out for dinner to Tekila – “Authentic” Mexican food in China.  What a hoot! J

We are greatly anticipating of our “Gotcha Day tomorrow.  Excited and nervous at the same time!  Stay tuned! :)

First Stop ..... Singapore!


The Marina Bay Sands hotel on the left has twin-like towers and looks like a "cruise ship"  on top with a garden!
The "ferris-wheel" type structure called "The Flyer" takes 45 minutes  for a full rotation.  You can have a meals in the "cars" that hold about 45 people!


Enroute to China, we took the opportunity to visit Denny's family and friends in Singapore.  It has been almost 7 years since Denny was back home.  We had stopped in Singapore enroute to China when we adopted Shekina in 2005.  It was very nice for us to be able to visit with his older brother, Kenny, and his family; sister Dorene; and younger brother, Tony, who was also visiting Singapore from Florida.  Very unique opportunity to have all 4 siblings together in one place!!

In Chinese culture, often many families live together.  Denny's parents were pharmacists and unfortunately passed away years ago.  When he grew up, they had 2 other families living with them for a total of 18 people living in the same house with one bathroom!  Lots of extended family.  Here are just a few pictures!

(Left to right): Sister Dorene, Brother Tony, Cousin Alan and his wife Molly, Denny and Shekina
We enjoyed a lovely tea one afternoon and dinner another day in their home.

Denny and Shekina among the orchids - Singapore's national flower.
Enjoying Singapore's lush greenery in the Botanical Gardens

Denny, Shekina and brother Tony

Shekina LOVED to exercise on the "MRT" Singapore's  subway!

Denny, cousin  Ester, brother Tony, cousin Robert and the beautiful  pink rose, Shekina!

Denny's brother Kenny and his family, brother Tony, sister Dorene and us at our last dinner!

SPECIAL APPEARANCE!  The 4 Yeo siblings all on the same side of the ocean again!

We enjoyed catching up with Denny's many cousins, extended family and close friends.  Their hospitality was extremely gracious!  We are ever so grateful to everyone in Singapore for a wonderfully memorable visit!